Thread: Father's Thread
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Old 04-25-2009, 09:00 PM   #1
In Domino Confido
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Default Father's Thread

Many moons ago, on a board far, far, away.....a BOTL started a user group for "New Dads". Since we don't have user groups here, I thought I'd start an open thread for all Dads! Having my first daughter on 6/27/08 I found this to be a great tool to log milestones, compare advancements and just share stories about the joys of fatherhood.

I decided this group will be for all Fathers. Not just new ones, because I'd love to hear what lies ahead.

My daughter Alana will be 10 months on Monday. She was born on 6/27/08 @ 1:07am and weighed in at 9lbs 2ozs. Currently she's crawling almost as fast as I can, waves her hand (usually the right one) when we tell her to say "Hi" and claps when we say "Clap Hands!" She pulls herself up to a standing position whenever she can and actually lets go sometimes and can hold her balance for a couple of seconds. She wants to walk and it probably won't be too far off. She tries to imitate sounds and sometimes vocalizes on her own for long periods of time. She has a lot to say! She has her two bottom teeth and I'm hoping the two top ones will cut tonight. (My inspiration for the thread)

Mom's birthday is also Monday so today Daddy sent her off to Atlantic City for the day with her birthday $$ to try to win us some money. It was a win/win as I love to spend as much time as I can with Alana.

We went and bought Alana's birthday present for Mommy (which I almost forgot to do) and went to the park so Alana can go on the swing.

Back to the teeth.... Alana is a great baby...a true blessing. She has been sleeping from 7:30pm to 6:30am since she was about 4 months!!

Tonight, however, she's been only put in her crib 3 hours ago and has waked up several times with loud cries and restless tossing and turning. I honestly would trade anything so I can have her pain and she can have a sound sleep, but I guess this is growing up!

Well at least now I have a place to talk about fatherhood! Please feel free to add you own stories, tips, advice, whatever fits!

Thanks for listening!

This is Alana, taken today on the swings....sorry for the cell-phone pic. I'll post better ones in the future!

Here's a link to a photobucket album we created for her. Thanks for looking!
"Patrick...You low-rent f#@k!!!" - MACMS (Shack V)
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