04-23-2009, 10:59 PM
Re: Help do I have mold?
Originally Posted by tooomanycolors
I would suggest it is mold, plume is almost like fine crystalline white sand on your cigars, (it is the residue of oils exuding from cigars and crystalizing) it will refract light (sparkle) and is spread very evenly over the cigar not concentrated in certain areas, check close up mold is well furry and grows in clumps.
Here is a close up of plume refracting light 
Don't worry though take each individual cigar and gently wipe the mold off with a soft cloth or paper towel, repeat the process with a clean cloth on each cigar to help insure that all the mold spoors are gone.
Carefully wipe out your humidor, if you have any rooted mold, use a very fine grit sandpaper and gently sand the area to get any mold out of the wood. You can wipe it down with de-natured alchol if you are very worried but unless you have a forest in there my opinion is this is overkill.
Don't worry about flavor issues they will be just fine, inspect the feet carefully if there is mold you need to toss them, the reason is that you cannot ensure that all the mold is out as it can grow up inside the cigar whereas the mold on the wrapper has not as yet penetrated the stick.
The basis for tossing it is not about flavor (although I have never smoked mold) but rather a health issue so I am told, although how that compares to smoking tobacco I am unsure.
Hope that helps.