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Old 04-23-2009, 07:30 AM   #12
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Default Re: Attention Avanti Thermo Electric Cooler Owners

The floor of the avanti has some channels running front to back so larger puddles aren't as much of an issue, but I took your advice anyway and put my two cabs up on a little cedar frame.

From all of the input here, I think I figured out what my problem was. My beads weren't properly hydrated when I first put them in. When I would open the unit to spray them, the coldness of everything inside, including the walls would draw in moisture and give me a high reading, even though the beads weren't fully hydrated (50% clear). It wasn't until I properly hydrated them and left the door closed for a full day that things settled down. Between yesterday morning and this morning, I didn't see a single degree of change in the humidity.

Now the real test is whether I can keep from opening the door. Everything I have stored in there right now is highly desirable (Westvleteren 12, Rochefort 10, the last bottles of my homebrewed old ale, party shorts from 07, and cohiba sig1 from 08)
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