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Old 04-22-2009, 12:57 AM   #1
Boss Hogg
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Default A Beetle in my humidifier

I noticed that my hamilton beach humidifier was empty, so I pulled it out to fill it up. Also, I was checking the filter and underneath the tray was a little beetle crawling around. Now I'm no expert when it comes to beetles, but I'm pretty sure this is what it was. I took the beetle out and put it in a bag. I tied to find some pics online to match it up but wasn't successful.

I checked everywhere in my humi and found nothing. Everything is either in boxes or some loose gars laying around in the cello. I couldn't find any signs of devoured tobacco either. Funny thing is, my walk in has always been at 65-66 degrees. I guess it could be from a shipment that came in a while ago? Now I have become paranoid and I keep checking the humi over and over again to see if I might have missed something. The only suspicion I have is a box of Gurkhas Shaggys. There is so much loose tobacco in that box. I took a look at it but didn't find anything.

Quick question? This beetle is starting to fly... is that typical of a cigar beetle?
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