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Old 04-21-2009, 02:12 PM   #8
Have My Own Room
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Default Re: What's More Special?

Yes, but Herfs are a unique situation, where the main purpose is to gather with friends (& friends-to-be) who appreciate cigars, and share those special smokes. Herfs are definitely a time & place where the special times & special cigars should intertwine. These are not the events to which I refer, though.

I mean occasions like parties or large gatherings where there is plenty else going on as the focus, where you're enjoying yourself & others so that almost any stogie would taste better by virtue of the company & your attitude. Where there is much going on that detracts your attention from the nuances that usually make a "special" cigar special anyway.

On the other hand, a special smoke can make an ordinary day that much more memorable simply because of the cigar you enjoyed.
In other words, a special cigar can turn an ordinary day into a special day.

I don't save very many 'special' smokes for 'special' occasions anymore. I enjoy them on what would otherwise be just another day.
To make it a 'special' day for me.
Pobody's Nerfect.
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