Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I've been at it 2 weeks now Merkur HD 38C. Tried the derby blade first as I heard they were forgiving I ordered 100(bad move if anyone wants to try them let me know) They are not a bad blade but I got a much better shave with the personnas(sp?) I used the feather blade today and it's sharp!
As far as Soaps and creams go I'm loving the Tabac so much I almost hate to try another but I bought so many i'll have to. I'm using the Porasco preshave cream putting it on before I shower and between that and the steam from the shower It really opens up the pores. I have been finishing up with a cold water rinse and Thayers witch hazel That is until I tried the ALUM BLOCK now this is a must ! After you shave run the block under cold water and rub over you face stops razor burn and any bleeding from small nics. For a larger nic use a Styptic pencil dries sorta white but stops the bleeding fast.
I finish with a spash of Pinaud Clubman and Nivea extra comfort balm.
All and All I look forward to shaving now and trying the new Razors,Soaps,Creams,Sticks,Aftershaves,Blades.
Badger & Blade Is the shaving equivalent to the Asylum. I never knew there could be so much to learn about the simple task of shaving. It's like smoking a drug store brand cigar someone might be enjoying it but you want to let them know there is so much more out there to try.
Hope you can make heads or tails of this post.
Last edited by skullnrose; 04-21-2009 at 01:14 PM.
Reason: added razor