OK another one.
Generally Speaking...
Folks use USPS for shipping things to one another, trades, bombs etc.
The supplies for doing this are
FREE. The most used sizes are not carried by your local POst office. You need to order them from their site online. The supplies and shipping them to you is
Go to USPS.com - you will need to register to get stuff but it is worthwile to take the 2 minutes to do so.
Most of us use Priority Mail with an additional cost delivery confirmation added to ensure we can prove delivery of things sent. Typoically this totals less than $ 6 for domestic shipments and typical delivery time is 1-3 days.
Probably the most useful size is the 1096L large video cassette mailing size.
The 1096S a slightly smaller box is also useful.
There are a myriad of other sizes available to you but taking the time to do a little shopping
FREE on the
WWW.USPS.com site is time well spent.