My suggestion will be the following.
Try as much clubs as possible and have them fit for you.
2 years ago I had my car stolen with all my golf equipment in it. So I had to renew all my equipement throught my insurance cie.
I have a golf shop near my office so I went every lunch time trying clubs, all brand names all shafts all styles... Each lunch I ended with prefered ones that I was putting aside. The week after I went again and tried the one I had selected the week before for final choice (and since in some cases a week had pass they did not felt the same and I am very glad I did not buy them). When I selected my clubs I had them fitted for me.
This took two weeks but:
I had fun doing this
I have no more excuse that my club are not the right ones

I am very confident with them and since golf is very mental it`s really good.
My Handicap dropped of 10 points in one summer (Remember I live north so I don't play during winter).
And at the end I did not felt the commercial pressure of all the big brand names. I was working with what felt good.
I have convince many friend to do the same kind of thing for club selection and they are now very Happy so just wanted to pass the experience.
Good luck with you purchase.