Re: Gurkha hatin
I don't hate Gs but I do hate the way CI praises these cigars like they're Jesus walkin on the water and I hate the inflated prices. I've seen em $20 at B&Ms. And then CI always has AMAZING deals on these things and they act like they are doing you such an amazing favor. I've tried 6 different ones and only liked the class regent, the others were just ok, or plain awful! For me, If I'm paying say, $8 a stick at a B&M, said stick better bring it!
Heck, the name Gurkha (which sounds dirty), Kaizer Sosze or whoever makes them, the silly man on the band, the hype...It's all ripe for comedy! But I'm sure some of them are good and if you like em then let yr freak flag fly. But for whatever reason, they are soooo much fun to make fun of.