Knowhutimean, Vern?
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Andy
Location: In a little town somewhere in the USA
Posts: 10,237
Re: Norm!!
Originally Posted by Da Klugs
Cuz he's special.
Da Klugs, -MG-, acarr, adampc22, ahc4353, alfbacca, alley00p, AllOGistics, ashtonlady, awsmith4, azherfer, BamBam, big a, Big Vito, BlackDog, bonjing, BORIStheBLADE, Bruzee, bvilchez, Catfish, Cenookie, ChasDen, chdasm, chenvt, Chewy..., cle_smoker, Commander Quan, csbrewfisher, Curly Cut, Darrell, DMK, Dooge, Drat, Drazzil, drob, Dukeuni, elderboy02, floydp, Footbag, FullBodied, Fumador, GKitty, GoatLocker, Gonesledn, groogs, Guitarman-S.T-, GWags, GWN, Hardcz+, Hudaddy,, icehog3, illinoishoosier, Ironfreak, jds78, Junior, K Baz, karmaz00, Kdub, kiwi michelle, leasingthisspace, Legend, madurofan, markem, MarkinCA, mastershogun, mcmoyer, mhailey, Mikhail, morefifemusic, newlifetaxidermy, NJ stogie King, Only Fuentes, papajohn67, PartagasIV, pennjones, pnoon, renton20, RichardW, RonC, s0leful0ne, Sailkat, Sauer Grapes, shortstory5, shvictor, SixPackSunday, skullnrose, Skywalker, SmokinCozy, smokinj, South Shield, Starchild, Stonewall, Swampper, The Dakotan, The Saint, TheJ, themoneycollector, TheRiddick, thetpi825, TheVeryIdea, tjblades, tobii3, tooomanycolors, TXRebel, tzaddi, warpedcigars, White97Jimmy, white_s2k, Wolfgang, WyGuy, xeemz, yourchoice
Night folks need props too.
As much as I'm on here, I haven't made the list yet...

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