Thread: Bucanero Cigars
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Old 04-17-2009, 05:56 AM   #14
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Default Re: Bucanero Cigars

Bucaneros are great. Never had a bad one.

The company has been around for years, but Robert Spoden (owner) has always kept the production fairly limited which may be why you never see them in catalogs.

Rumor is the company is currently for sale, but I can neither confirm nor deny. Given the current state of business and the economy I could see how this may be plausible.

Regardless, try those Bucaneros out. You may be pleasantly surprised. As others have said, they tend to be on the pricey side ($4-8), however comparatively speaking it isn't *that* bad for a boutique cigar.

For the poster referring to the Bucanero Reds from CI, those are new to CI, however if I recall correctly they are a mixed, short filler cigar. Not something you want to go into expecting Bucanero's masterpiece.
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