Cranky Habanophile
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Wine Country
Posts: 8,869
Re: Norm!!
Originally Posted by Da Klugs
Happy now?
Da Klugs, -MG-, 14holestogie, 3inst3in, 68TriShield, ActionAndy, ahc4353, AllOGistics, Ashcan Bill, avo_addict, BC-Axeman, Beer Doctor, Big Vito, bobarian, bonggoy, Boobar, borndead1, bowhnter, Brock, Catfish, CigarmanTim, cle_smoker, Col. Kurtz, colimo, comanchero, Commander Quan, CoroHo, Cyanide, dabigdog, darkninja67, Darrell, DBall, Don Fernando, DPD6030, Dukeuni, eber, elderboy02, fishstix, Footbag, galaga, GKitty, GoatLocker, GreekGodX, HawkEye19, hotreds, illinoishoosier, ir13, Ironfreak, jamesb3, jlaker, jledou, Junior, K Baz, kaelaria, karmaz00, KidRock, kzm007, landhoney, leasingthisspace, Lensjockie, LeoM, lightning9191, loki, marge796, markem, massphatness, mastershogun, Mirrorlure7m, MisfitJake, Moglman, Mr.Maduro, Mugen910, N2Advnture, nate560, newlifetaxidermy, OLS, pakrat, Pat1075, Patron, piperman, pmwz, pnutbutrsangwich, poker, rack04, reggiebuckeye, RHNewfie, RonC, rrplasencia, RUJohnny99, Scottw, sergeant smoky, servem1961, shadow king, Shaerza, SilverFox, SixPackSunday, skullnrose, SlickBT, SLO_Smoke, smitdavi, smokeyandthebandit05, SmokeyNL, Smokin Gator, SmokinApe, SmokinCozy, SmokinDuck, South Shield, Starchild, stearns, Stick, Stogeyfish, Stogieboy, tchariya, teotides, The Dakotan, the nub, The Professor, the3cs, thebiglebowski, TheRealBonger, thetpi825, TMoneYNYY, tobii3, Tombstone, tooomanycolors, Tristan, tunes, tzaddi, ucla695, volfan, wayner123, weak_link, white_s2k, WildBlueSooner, WyGuy, xeemz, yourchoice, zemekone, zmancbr
  I made the amended list!