Thread: Gurkha hatin
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Old 04-15-2009, 09:54 PM   #1
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Default Gurkha hatin

. I've seen it here from a few. A lot of Gurkha hate. Personally I don't get it. I do, however, want to know why. I won't try to convince anyone or tell them their opinion is wrong. Just want to know why you don't like the whole brand. What you tried etc.

Or conversely what you like if you're a Gurkha ho like me.

Me. I like a med to full flavor smoke. I like that many Gurkha cigars are very unique and not just another same old same old smoke. They are typically very rich in their flavors and usually go very well through the nose (snork). I've tried basically all sizes of.

Grand reserve natural and maduro

Grand age

Master select natural and maduro

Estate selection vintage shaggy

Doble maduro

Centurian XX

Royal brigade

Royal salute

Anniversary natural and maduro

Triple ligureo

Black dragon and dragonfire

Blue steel

Probably more I can't think of
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