Originally Posted by jds78
Thanks for all the kind words. I wish I could take some credit for the work but it’s actually my wife’s brother that is building the cabinet for me.
The materials so far are around $5500-6000 Canadian including shipping, duties, etc. My best guess in US dollars for someone in the States would be around $4500. The labor is what really gets expensive for a custom project like this. Total hours so far including design are around 350-400. I can give you some better numbers once it’s complete.
That's quite an investment. Even if you figure it at an hourly rate of $50, which is low for custom cabinet work like this, you are looking at almost $20,000 in total cost. This is a beautiful piece, I hope you are planning to pass it down to your kids/grandkids/great grandkids. Definitely an heirloom.