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Old 10-24-2008, 09:00 PM   #34
still crazy
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Default Re: Love of small cigars

Originally Posted by andysutherland View Post
I didn't mean to make you cry. Sorry about that
Was that you. The fundadore is such a treat. I didn't actually cry but I may have misted up a bit.

One of my favorites was a ERDM petite corona from 91' that was given to me as a gift. Sweet and tasty and lasted around 20 minutes carefully sipping.
It took some doing. I had been advised to sip very slowly and carefully on that one to fully appreciate it and I did. Really at that one small puff a minute type pace.

Yeah. Like that.
You are cruel but yeah that is why I felt self conscious smoking a 60rg in public.

I really do believe that there is a time for every cigar and a cigar for any time. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your taste), for me lately the cigar for the time is usually a smaller smoke.
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