Alright first let me say that I hate you guys.
A few weeks ago I had never even heard of a Moka pot. Then I read Mr Moo's original post. I thought that sounds interesting so I went on and purchased a Capressio Infinity Burr Grinder and a 1 cup and a 3 cup Bialetti Moka pot. Since I love my Cappuccinos I also purchased a Nespresso Aerocino to heat and froth my milk. Since I have a prime membership with Amazon all this stuff arrives in 2 days. I also order some Intellingentia house blend coffee beans which also arrives at the same time having been roasted 2 days prior.
Now I'm ready to go. I wake up the next day and run some stale coffee beans I have through my new grinder to break it in. By the way this stale coffee smells and reminds me of coffee I used to buy by the can. I clean the grinder and set it to fine and grind up a bunch of fresh house blend by Intellingentia fill the moka pot and brew up my first pot it runs fairly quick but still smells and looks pretty good. I fill the Nespresso with milk to the max line and push the on button. The moka pot is done and I pour it in a cup and add the steamed micro foamed milk.

this stuff is pretty good not perfect but way better than any other method of brewing I have come across except well made espresso. It is so good that I make and drink 2 3 cup moka pots and am buzzing like crazy from caffeine.

Got to hold off on any more until the next day.
Long story short I have been dialing my grinder in day after day and yesterday I hit the mother load. I am on the second click of extra fine and I have been packing the grounds with my fingers to try to get the oozing type of coffee shown in the video. I have also reduced the amount of milk in the Nespresso because it tends to overflow even though it produces some pretty good micro foam and froth.
Now that I have everything dialed in all I can say is that this is the best coffee I have had in some time.

My next upgrade will probably have to be about 4K in home espresso equipment to top this stuff.
So thanks again for pushing me down yet another slope.