I will be honest, I read your post last night and it kind of hit a nerve with me but I refrained from answering - the old read more, post less...
Having read your post today I appreciate your comment now and yes I feel like I didnt understand your first post or it didnt come out like you intended, it can really be tough to transmit our message on these Forums sometimes.
I actually agree with you but think it is probably a good move for his company and a way to stand out from the "herd".
Thank you for adding more information to your initial postings.
Originally Posted by SmokinApe
I guess I didn't express it right...
1. The Perdomo 10th Anny's are so over priced for what you get they don't sell well. And raising the prices even makes the matter worse, so Nick takes this as a opportunity to "right price" the cigar. I am sure he is making a profit, and a smaller profit is better then none... And people might actually buy them if he acts like he is doing them a favor...
2. Now this sticks that sell well, Lot 23 and Habano's... Well he has no option but to pass on the tax, so he does. Not a biggie to him because people like them and they will buy them anyway because almost every other cigar is going up the same amount.
In summary, all he did was drop the price of his overpriced cigars; for his purpose not yours, and claim he did you a favor. He posts it on a few forums and people get all excited and people think he is swell... mission accomplished...