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Old 04-09-2009, 12:14 PM   #20
Col. Kurtz
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Default Re: A tale of 2 Opus X's...

Originally Posted by lightning9191 View Post
You would think that these would be subjected to higher standard and that someone along the line would think that this batch isn't very good, so why release it? Probably because people will still buy it.
Oh, you know they'll 'never rush the hands of time.'

As far as the hurricanes impacting the crop, maybe?
So if the ones sold in 2007 were made with tobacco from 1999 then this affected tobacco would be from 2001? (all other things being equal)
This may have been Hurricane Iris damage? If so, there were some bigger storms that impacted Hispanola more after 2001. What they have from the upcoming batches may be worse than this and they decided to use this, or stretch it out to cover some worse crops, or crops they didn't even get to harvest? I don't know, just a guess.

Or they could be tweaking the blend,

Or they could be just seeing if the folks at CigarAsylum will notice.
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