Originally Posted by Commander Quan
The Feathers are good, actually they are great, almost like a beard eraser. However they are too expensive IMO. I use the Red Box Personnas, I find they are almost as sharp and just as comfortable as the Feathers, and they are CHEAP, $10 for 100. At that price I use one blade for 2 shaves and replace it, so the blade never really gets dull. I would have to shave with a feather 7-10 times to get the same cost per shave.
See ... and my only regret is I didn't get any RBPs in my sampler pack. It was actually a gift from my wife and she got the smaller sampler rather than the huge one.
That said, you can pickup Feathers on eBay for $34/100 pack. More expensive than the RBPs; but a helluva lot cheaper than any other online store.