Thread: Rescue Me
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Old 04-06-2009, 05:38 PM   #18
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Default Re: Rescue Me

Originally Posted by Nabinger16 View Post
Hate to be the spoil sport, but I HATE Rescue Me! I'll be honest I've never given the show a fair shake. I've only ever seen a few episodes. The reason I've never cared for it is because it started shortly after 9/11 when the entire country was holding firefighters high on there shoulders. People were pouring out their support for firefighters and FDNY so Fox decides to cash in on it.

Not to mention I've read about at least one department that is in the process of suing the Denis Leary Firefighters Foundation for money that it promised. The dept. spent money on much needed equipment, but the money never showed up.

I'm sure it's an entertaining show and all but it's not for me.
Trent, the first season premiered on July 21, 2004, so it was almost 3 full years after 9/11. It hardly "cashes in" on the esteem that firefighters are held in, it shows them with more problems than the average Joe.

The Leary Firefighters Foundation, since its creation in the year 2000, has distributed over $2.5 million (USD) to fire departments in the Worcester, Boston, and New York City areas for equipment, training materials, new vehicles, and new facilities.

A separate fund run by Leary's foundation, the Fund for New York's Bravest, has distributed over $2 million (USD) to the families of the 343 firemen killed in the September 11, 2001, attacks in addition to providing funding for necessities such as a new mobile command center, first responder training, and a high-rise simulator for the FDNY's training campus. This new fund was established because the families of the Worcester fire did not want to include New York families into the fund. As a result, Leary created a separate fund for New York.
I could find no news reports of any Fire Department suing Leary's foundation.

No biggie if the show ain't your cup of tea, but I think Leary's people have done some wonderful things for firefighters, so I wanted to respond with what I have seen regarding those comments.

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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