Coke has a sweeter taste, Pepsi is just a bland cola-ish flavor to me.
I also like my R.C; Royal Crown Cola - "Best By Taste Test!" as my buddy Roy Acuff used to say on his radio, R.C's radio program
I also wish I could find it in glass bottles around here for cheap - all we get is cans. I like anything coming out of a glass bottle, it just tastes fresher and colder somehow.
*And as elderboy2 points out, Coke is big in the South, although I've always heard 'R.C Cola and a Moon Pie;' what's up with that combo? But I do tend to follow the Southern roots in most anything I do, like a lot of my speech, writing localities for my stories, and my musical tastes. As they said in the Kornfield, "Saaaa-lute!"
Yes, I am in fact bored tonight
