Originally Posted by loki
apparently she can't read or spell she thought it said "puntas" since the two words are so close in spelling and all 
Just to play the devil's advocate here I've got to say you're a little out of line (I'm not trying to be a d!*K but its actually a cultural slang thing). I work with and am friends with many Mexican folks. One day I made the mistake of telling them, in Spanish, that I love "puros". Alfonso and Victor asked me what I said, so I repeated "Amo los puros de Nicaragua y Cuba". They burst into laughter at my expense pointing at me and repeating that I loved puros in their native tongue. They added to the puros part "de negros" which I figured they were refering to maduros. Turns out, and this may be only a Mexican thing too, that puros is slang for penis in certain Mexican circles. I asked some of my Mexican buddies at the gym about the word and they also laughed. They have since educated me one the use of many words, seemingly harmless and commonplace, which are used as slang in Mexico. Hope this clears things up a bit.