Originally Posted by e-man67
They use to have hotdogs that had chili in the middle (like the cheese filled ones, only chili) in the 80's that were great! Anyone remember the name of those? 
Originally Posted by kfish
I think they were called Frank N Stuffs. I used to love those when I was little  .
Originally Posted by e-man67
YES!!!!!! I lOVE those too! I thought they were called frankenfurters but when I Googled that all I got was the lead character from the Rocky Horror Picture Show...my colleages had to wonder what the hell I was doing! 
I was on the same thought path with the frankenfurters. My mom was too cheap to buy them. She would score the wiener and stick american cheese in it.
Originally Posted by landhoney
Real Jell-O Pudding Pops.
I can picture Cosby selling those to me now.
As for those Chili Cheese Burritos from Taco Bell sorry you can't get them. They are in my area. I know it's been at least 3+ years since the name change, but they used to be known as the Enchirito.
I miss TB's Frito Burrito. For years I could still order it off menu, but they finally cut that out once Sonic was licensed to sell a Frito Burrito. In my opinion the Sonic version stinks.
I miss Corn Quistos. They were like Combo's, but 1000x better. It was corn chip tubes instead of pretzel.
I miss the original Take 5 candy bar from Hershey's. It was like a huge single piece of a Kit Kat that was peanut butter flavored.
Take 5 commercial from the 80s
I miss Disney Mickey's Magic cereal. It was like Lucky Charms, but again much better.
Lastly, I miss the Louisiana Chicken w/ Andouille from the Cheesecake Factory. They brought back something similar except it used to come with white rice and was 3x the portion size.