Originally Posted by Junior
I do think that the increase is due to the symptoms being picked up better by Doctors where it wasn’t in the past. We actually noticed the symptoms because of a billboard, and started researching it, and took him to his pediatrician.
There are a lot of theories on this, but I believe that it is hereditary not environmental. There is also a theory that it is more common in premature infants. I do think that prematurely has something to do with it as my 6 year old was born at 30 weeks. On the same note my 18 month old is starting to show some symptoms of autism, and was only bore a couple of weeks early.
Both of ours were born 2 weeks "late". Older is fine, younger turned out to be autistic. Nothing hereditery as far as we can tell, neither family had any such instances before.
I know there are plenty of "studies" that claim the MRP vaccine is not the culprit, but I and most other affected parents beg to differ. We all know our children prior to vaccination and past. Except that one properly conducted study has not been done by anyone. The only way to really do it is vaccinate 1000 kids and leave another 1000 without, no such study has been done to date and for a reason. I know this will easily prove the point, but that would also mean that a huge class action suit will then take place and that would make any recent bailouts looks puny in comparison money wise. We can all imagine the medical lobby in DC won't allow it.
The human body is sometimes not strong enough to handle such a powerful vaccine at the tender age of 11 months, our daughter had an on-going cold the morning she was scheduled for vaccine. Despite my wife's protests to the doctor that we do this another day, he insisted there is absolutely no harm vaccinating an ill child. I only wish we could take that day back.
She was diagnosed by a West Coast autism expert at the age of 3+ years and he told us to give up on the child and commit her to an institution, in his view she was way beyond treatable. We persisted, found a great treatment center near us (just pure luck!) and after a $300+K cash outlay (insurance does not cover any of this), she started first grade in a regular class, albeit with a school district provided aide at her side. Finished high school last year with a 3.6GPA, now in college.
I only wish things would turn out this well for other families. Some don't know treatment is available, some can't afford it. Some don't want to do much for the KID, but go to a group therapy sessions with other parents to tell each other how miserable their lives are.
I've also seen some cases where children were mis-diagnosed and while afflicted with something else they are listed as autistic. Our friends had their children checked and even though both kids were diagnosed as autistic, time showed they were not at all.
Anyone with kids on the way, I strongly suggest you do not listen to your doctors and delay the MRP vaccination until the age of at least 2, and hopefully even later, by then the body is more able to handle the vaccine.