Originally Posted by poker
Wow, talk about the old days
Everyone was a noob at one time. Hell, with new cigars & blends coming out frequently, new cutters, new lighters, etc, I still consider myself a noob in many areas.
Ah, the good ol' days. I bet you guys didn't know it, but Poker used to be a baseball star:

Yup, he was a pretty good catcher for the Giants back in his day. Unfortunately he got knocked up and had a baby out of wed-lock:
Attachment 2194.
Well all that squatting and the carousing really ruined his knees, and what with a child and all, he had to give up baseball.
He went into "show business" on the streets of San Fransisco to support his new son,
That worked to put cigars on the table and raise his son right. Eventually, though, his son got into the wrong crowd, and unfortunately got sent up on weapons charges in Compton. Once his son finally got out of prison, his son was never the same
But Poker has things in perspective and now spends his day quietly modding a cigar board and slowly going through his stash of vintage cigars. If you're ever in Westminster, Ca, on a sunny Sunday morning, you can sometimes see him on the street corners, just for old times sake, selling contraband cigars and testing the Rh of dogrockets

Ah, the good old days
(kudos to IHT, Andyman, backwoods and Aaron for the photoshops)