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Old 03-31-2009, 07:01 PM   #11
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Default Re: On the eve of Schip, any boycotters?

I'm definitely MAD!! I just don't see how they lump Premium Cigar tobacco in with Cigarettes. After all, cigars aren't full of chemicals and toxic additives. A cigar smoker doesn't smoke a "Pack" of cigars a day. A cigar smoker doesn't inhale smoke into his/her lungs. Cigars are a minimal health risk compared to cigarettes IMO. That being said, cigarettes will contribute the majority of tax dollars.

As far as a protest, I could smoke a couple cigars daily, for a couple years and not run out. I won't protest because I love my B&M and would hate to see them go out of business.

The whole things frustrates me. It just seems oxymoronic to fund a segment of health care with something that the government deams unhealthy.

That's all, I need a cigar
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