Originally Posted by King James
Allows enjoy hearing your stories about poor customer service, Carlos....you don't strike me as someone who gets taken very often and I think it is great. Way to explore all options to put some heat on the shitty manager. 
When you work with customers daily and have to be professional in all dealings, it kind of drives you sick when you can't get the same in return. Not asking to be treated special, just fairly.
Not too long ago, took on Home Depot/Pergo. Ultimately won that too after 9 months of battling but it shouldn't be that way. If you warranty a product, honor it and due so in a reasonable time, not when you care to.
Turns out just got a call from Best Buy, from their corporate office, regarding my letter. To this moment, not a call from the store's GM.
Told them the matter is put to rest for the most part as the TV has been exchanged by another store whose manager knew how to be professional. Told them I couldn't help but notice all the awards up on the wall on that second store for customer service. I didn't notice one single one at the Boca store. I asked them to then couple that with my letter. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Lastly, for final closure, I told them I am insisting on an apology from the Boca manager. They will pass it on. Let's see what happens.
I hope others can see that you can effectively get some satisfaction but it may take some legwork.
Love that link posted on this thread for the Corporate Email Bomb.
Hope others can find it useful.