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Old 03-30-2009, 03:04 PM   #18
Chief Wannastogie Lounge
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Default Re: We are still here

Hang tough! Hope the worst of it all is over... blessings on the efforts to get back to normalcy.

Originally Posted by SmokinDuck View Post
Despite what CNN and some of the national news media outlets have reported in the past few days....

We are still here.

CNN reported on Sat that we had all evacuated, , idiots. It is kind of funny watching the large media outlets stumble over each other to see who can try to make our situation the most tragic. The best part, last week a CNN reporter was arrested here for standing on one of the temporary dikes. It might not sound serious, but walking around on top of sandbags that have been put in place could cause them to shift, then fail.

The water is going down slowly, but it's going down. We are sitting in a snow storm right now.

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