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Old 03-30-2009, 12:50 PM   #5
formerly illinoishoosier
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Default Re: Cigars from

Originally Posted by Ender View Post
I was wondering if anyone buys cigars from I just got a five pack and they were very dried out. Anyone else have this problem? I'm hoping to hear from those who perhaps get cigars from there often.
Never heard of them....

But if I had, I would say I have never had any real issues with their sticks. But then again, I ususally just check for damage and then in the coolerdor they go for awhile. I mean, that is, if I had heard of them, and ordered from them.
"Maybe I'm wrong, when they tell me they're right…..naaaaahhhhhh, I'm an asshooooooleeee"--Denis Leary
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