Originally Posted by loki
Just know that even if she shares your views now, she may not in 3+ years. Keep talking to her about it but let her know that when she decides the time is right she should be safe and you hope that she feels comfortable talking to you about it. ring or no ring you need to talk to her. *
You are so on point.
Looking back, I often wonder what I could have done differently.
Monday morning quarterbacking is something that will haunt parents invariably. You always try to make the right decision but can so many times wonder how else you could have handled it and hopefully learn from that.
I don't think girls will open up frankly to dads on this subject. You will likely get lies. I think moms need to take a better approach during those critical years. The problem is that most kids in their teens see their parents as the enemy since you are trying to steer them in your direction and not necessarily in the one they may wish to go to. Most girls see moms as a battle ground. The challenge is to break all that down.