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Old 03-30-2009, 11:01 AM   #25
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Promise Ring, did you buy your daughter one?

Originally Posted by morefifemusic View Post
Doesn't mean a damn if you don't believe what I do even though I have the experience to say it can be done and feel strongly about it.
Congrats to you for sticking with your convictions.

While it can be done, as with anything, like say go to Harvard and graduate number one in your class, as difficult as the latter is, I find your the task you achieved that much more difficult. I further find that to expect many to uphold that similar set of values in today's world is unrealistic. Certainly shoot for the stars but realize a pea shooter may not get you there. Realize that while that was important to you, the fond memories of sitting under a tree with my wife when we were initially falling in love and making out is something very natural you chose to miss out on but the majority really won't.

It is amazing how one event can change your life, your opinions and how you perceive things from there on in. When I learned of my daughter's situation, I was floored and the wife and I were depressed for months.
Now? I realize what a blessing my grandson has turned out to be. He is my life and that of my wife.

I now realize that my values are just that, my values.
My children have their own minds and have their own sets of values, hopefully more in line with mine, but absolutely 100% theirs. I learned I should not judge them but rather accept them for what they are, individuals with their own sets of values. I learned to love them and support them regardless of not doing what I thought was right and wrong, especially someone older than 18, who can be asked to fight for the freedom of this great land.
She is a wonderful mother and acting and looking more like her mother every day.

I have a colleague who just learned her 15 yr old is having sex. This person is a good, conservative person with deep rooted values. Happens to all of us. It is not cancer, it is not a life threatening condition. It is sex. Something we all enjoy.

So folks, my message to you all on this is be realistic. Convey your thoughts, morals, values, etc. However, expect them to act according to what they want to do and realize that perhaps this whole not having sex thing is a lie for the most part. This is coming to you from a guy that was totally fooled in believing his daughter was not having sex. I was not born yesterday and am no dummy. If it happened to me, it is happening to you.
Also remember, as defined by our former President Bill, their interpretation of sex may not be the same as yours.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian

Last edited by Blueface; 03-30-2009 at 11:06 AM.
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