Re: Man O' War rubusto
I've smoked a Churchill and a torpedo since. These 2 I've been able to finish and the flavor is the same on each vitola. Not exactly rare but unusual. Typically you'll get some difference. The flavor isn't exactly good. If I had to make a comparison that summed it up it would be like hot sauce or peppers. There are peppers that are hot and add flavor like poblanos or cerranos. And ones that just add heat but not necessarily good flavor. Habaneros. Tapatio sauce vs tobasco. The tobaccos chosen for the man o' war seem to have been chosen for strength and not flavor. I like strong cigars lie the LFD double liguero. And DPG Cuban classic. But not this one.
Its well made and if the flavor was good it would be a 3. But I have to give the man o' war as a line a 2 rating.