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Old 03-22-2009, 03:15 PM   #2
Fatter than you!
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Default Re: To all of my troop support brothers...

Fred, thanks again to you and the rest of the troop supporters for doing what you do

Originally Posted by macms View Post
Men/women, if you can donate a fiver every month or so please know that your cigars are very important to someone. If just half of the brothers/sisters on this board did this that would be a hell of a lot of smiles somewhere.
This is what that whole thing boiled down to for me. You don't always have to send cigars, sometimes its candy, beef jerky, little things that our troops will appreciate and we sometimes take for granted.
If we weren't supposed to eat animals, then how come they're made of meat?
You can never have too many cigars, they are like an investment in good times.
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