To all of my troop support brothers...
I believe the time has come to re-evalute our troop support program because many of us are simply not able to provide the same level of donations as we once did. We are confronted with an uncertain future, an unstable economy and fear about continued employment. And these are real concerns and they already have impacted our troop support program.
Were it possible I know that we would provide every man and woman in the sandbox with a daily cigar, but we can't. The number of shipments and cigar donations will become less as our personal situations change. It's not fair to you when I or others constantly ask for your support when you are faced with personal struggles on the home front.
This is what I intend to do in the future. I will no longer ask you for donations. I will continue to ship your donations as I receive them, but I understand as I'm sure the Pale Horse men do as well, that our capabilities have changed. The Pale Horse men will need to decide what they can do based upon our level of donations.
I will make one post a week and list those I received donations from that week. I'm simply going to say that the following men have donated this week and not mention the number of cigars or post pics. Each and every one of your cigars is needed and appreciated. We do these things because we choose to and our pleasure does not come from the public "He's a hell of a guy...", it comes from seeing the pics of strangers appreciating our sacrifice.
Men, if you can donate a fiver every month or so please know that your cigars are very important to someone. If just half of the brothers on this board did this that would be a hell of a lot of smiles somewhere.
Thanks for reading men.