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Old 03-20-2009, 11:07 AM   #19
Corona Cigars
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Default Re: Tattoo design feedback

Its a that I liked when I saw the bumper sticker back in high school. I wanted the symbols before the shirt came out and its different anyways.

To those who say don't get one, its been something I've been wanting for a long time and I still want and I know all consequences of one. The message isn't going to change...ever, so why not having something that lasts.

This is going to be my first tattoo, and I have 100 dollars off certificate. As for the color, I think black and white will make it nicer then color. White should be ok on my skin, I've done some reasearch, but I'm going to talk to the artist anyways.

As for the gender symbol or aum. See I wanted soming more along the lines of an lgbt symbol, however I figured aum would be a bit better, I dunno.

Thanks everyone....MORE
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