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Old 03-19-2009, 02:01 PM   #648
Da Klugs
Juan of 11
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Default Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

My mom says she loves my sisters equally as much as she does me. They tend to communicate with her in person and I'm more of an email kind of guy. I think the quality of her love is dissipated through the internet. Not as rich or deep as that which my sisters receive. I have proof.

In fact, my dad has mentioned that she will occasionally roll her eyes while on the phone with me which is proof that the "quality and sincerity" of her love is less in this format and to me than my sisters. Sometimes she even repeats herself from previous conversations, proving that the attempt at quality is way down in this format. In addition my sisters have commented that my calling when they were with my mom resulted in only a partial communication of both feeling and content that they received by being there in person. A less rich, more flat experience without the depth and nuance that they experience.

Internet cigars? Who cares! We're talking about a mothers love here. Phuck the internet! I'm moving back home.
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