Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
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03-19-2009, 09:22 AM
Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla
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Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to do a little "send off" for the last 2 dog rockets and I don't have a camera. So I had my girlie take some pics. They are small pics, but you don't want the full sized ones. Trust me.
Both of these cigars SUCKED. The 777 tasted like a skunk smells. Yuck! And then we have the Flor de Gerard. WTF kind of name is that for a cigar? The FDG was one of the nastiest dog rockets of the bunch. Tasted like moldy hay rolled in newspaper.
Just for kicks, I am posting a pic of my alter-ego: Thugmasta Stogiedawg!
Silound: I don't know what to say, brother. I can't bring myself to THANK you for subjecting me to this macabre experiment, so I will just say, "Yeah."
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