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Old 03-16-2009, 05:49 PM   #72
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Default Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by awsmith4 View Post
I have lived here in and around Atlanta my whole life and there is nothing but sweet Georgia Peaches, all the ho's are transplants.

As far as bbq I am a fan of almost all styles myself. The best, imho, coming out of Eastern NC, KC, and Memphis. Recently though in Atlanta (actually Marietta) a new bbq resturant called Sam and Dave's opened that really is some of the finest pulled pork I have ever eaten.
Wow,,,I live in Atlanta ( suburb more like ) and am used to great KC BBQ as I lived there and about 10 other cities in the country. I have eatin BBQ in this city and so far not one even competes with what real BBQ is. Sonnys sucks,,Smokey Bones is not bad,,,and all the others are horrible here. I have not tried Sam and Daves and that gives me hope,,,what is the best thing on the menu in your opinion? I would give my left testicle for some great BBQ in this town,,,the testicle will be given to a donor on my demise just to clarify the deal.
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