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Old 03-13-2009, 11:03 AM   #86
formerly illinoishoosier
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Default Re: Things People Do That Amaze You

Saw one today....

At my local fast food morning stop...(cough cough Mickey D's cough cough) I was waiting in line at the drive thru during change over. This is where they change from breakfast to lunch and service times generally slow down. I live that. 12 minutes in line yesterday, but I digress.

Today, a car whips out from behind me and pulls alongside another car in line. They proceed to have a conversation, while the second car is at the speaker!! 4 minutes, a couple of hinks and an FU, she finally pulled away so the guy could place his order.

Uh, hello? ever heard of a cell phone?
"Maybe I'm wrong, when they tell me they're right…..naaaaahhhhhh, I'm an asshooooooleeee"--Denis Leary
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