I got tons of stories I could tell!
First week at my new dept. get a call of two b/f's in a car that had a gun. Saw the car, turned around, stopped them. Pulled gun out and ordered out of the car, detained them, no gun, oh well, the driver had no driver's license so she went to jail. Then they file a complaint on me for pulling my gun on them. Idiots.
Or how about the idiot who ran from me on a motorcycle at 120 mph with a passenger on the back that was 13 years old! Found that out afterwords that the passenger was the magistrates daughter!

The operator got 6 months in jail. The funny part is while he was in jail his cycle got repossessed since he could not make the payments!
And last but certainly not least. I was breaking up a fight outside the bar. This woman punched a guy in the face right in front of me after I annouced that I was the police and to stop fighting. Took her to the ground. Started to place handcuffs on her and got blindsided by a drunk patron that had come out to see what the fight was about. Clocked me in my jaw. Dropped the girl ran inside after the guy who just committed a felony by hitting me and grabbed him. Beer bottles flying off the bar and my backup comes screaming in and tries to taze the guy just as he's about to hit me again. One hits and one misses so we pile drive the guy into and off of the pool table to the ground. Search him and find green leaf. Ha, now two charges. A-hole. Then his brilliant defense attorny asks me to lower his charge to a misdemeanor because his client wants to go to college and get a job. I said well I'll lower it from a 4 year felony to a 2 year felony but not to a misdemeanor. Attorney said my client was drunk he didn't know you were a cop. I called

and told him that I was in full uniform in a clearly marked police vehicle that was parked out front with the lights on. Idiot.