Originally Posted by rudy3
To start:
Deleting a single cigar in a humidor crashes app.
Fields could start with a forced capital letter
Notes delete if you try to edit. Can only be several charachters.
Alignment of multiple humidors is off.
More to come....but really exciting app so far.
Ah, some actual feedback; excellent!

. I guess that means it installed ok.
- The crashing bug you noted first has been fixed. This beta had a bad bug in the humidor add/delete code, but I have it fixed (I hope). It would be great if you could PM me the details of the steps to reproduce that, so I can verify that I have it fixed before releasing beta 2.
- The forced capital letter is a good idea. I think I can do that pretty easily.
- The notes portion is the weakest part right now, and you noticed right away

. I will change that to a more robust and larger notes field. This is only a placeholder for now until I do the "Smoking Notes" feature (likely a version 2 feature).
- I'm looking into alignment on the multiple humidors. They should line up better after you exit the app, and come back in (but still need to be fixed).
Glad you like the app overall. Thanks for the help