Originally Posted by Catfish
I have a girl here in the office was beside herself, baffled as I attempted to explain to her there was no official gun registration in Florida. She was informing me something she had learned the night before; that if a person files an injunction against a person in the state of Florida, that person will receive a visit from local law enforcement and will have their guns confiscated. I asked her how that was enforceable as there was no gun registry in Fl. She was convinced that there should be a gun registry and that people should be licensed and that gun ownership was a privelege, not a right.
Oh, BTW....? No explanation as to why she thought that. Only that in her mind, that's the way it should be.
Tell her to come to Canada...
I have been working on geting my gun license for the past 3 years. Not to say that this could not have been done easier (some can get it in as little as 3 months) but I am a little lazy. First you have to take a class on gun saftey, then you write a written test, then you perform a practical test. After this you fill out 2 forms, one for long guns (unrestricted) and one for handguns (restricted). You then send these forms along with your proof of completing the saftey course and proof of being a registered member at a gun club (if applying for a handgun license) 3 character references, and a smiling picture of yourself

. They then do a full background check on you and see that you arn't in the loony bin or out to hurt anyone. If you are lucky you recieve your licence back in 3 months, if your not it can take much much longer. Once you get your license back you have the regional chief of firearms come over to your house and inspect that you have proper storage for your firearms as not to have them stolen (of course seprate facilities for guns and amunition). You then get to buy your guns. Rifles take about a couple days to have the registration filled out and handguns can take a week or two. You are now the proud owner of a gun. Oh wait there are even more resitrictions.
Handguns may only be transported from locked safe, to firing range in a locked container... this is to say there is no such thing as a permit to carry.
You are not allowed to own any automatic weapons (not a big surprise here) or converted automatic weapons of any kind. Any handgun must have a barrel that is 5" in length or more (no snub nose). Handguns have a maximum ammo cap at 10 rounds (even if they can hold more mags have to be converted to 10 max). Rifles can only have 5 rounds... No tactical/ zombie hunting weapons for me.
Now you have a breif introduction at Canadian gun laws. What I don't understand is why they think Canada has to implement tougher laws... If someone is legally aquiring a gun... they are not going to use it to harm anyone. If I am a criminal do I really want to go through all that hassel...
End of rant