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Old 03-09-2009, 06:36 AM   #42
Posts: n/a
Default Re: If you have a March Birthday.....


Got them all out.

Mail out when you can, no deadline, no limit, or minimums. Do as you will. Lets have fun...

And for reference, here are those that are playing.

Gonesledn    3/1
MedicCook    3/3
eber        3/3
Ye Olde Phart    3/7
MarkinCA    3/11
Barrythevic    3/11
Elderboy02    3/14
andyman        3/15
houdini        3/15
cle_smoker    3/16
andysutherland    3/19
swampper    3/19
sancho        3/21
lostartk374    3/22
mahtofire    3/22
bonjing        3/23
Bruzee        3/24
hardcz        3/26
smokin gator    3/26
tricker        3/26
cigargal    3/31
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