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Old 03-06-2009, 07:43 AM   #398
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Default Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by md4958 View Post
This thread was a mockery long before the banter started. In my opinion, from the original post.

It is my opinion that this thread was started just to irritate people and make waves, and I find that offensive. If you wanna create drama, Cigar Asylum isn't the place to do it. You might have luck at another forum.

It is also my opinion that if the OP doesn't like the feedback he is receiving from other members, that he should think twice before posting threads that he knows will create waves.

But these are only my opinions. And you know what they say... opinions are like buttholes, everybody's got one, and they all stink.
You're right in a small way. The thread was intended to stir the pot not make wave. Much smaller. And I tried to make it a discussion. Back and forth accepting others opinions and giving mine. But the only issues came when those who didn't want to discuss. Just mock and believe that only they could be right.

So no I was not picking a fight, but trying to spark a good debate on a commonly discussed cigar topic. At least at my lounge its common. The spirit of it was not to fight but to discuss.