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Old 03-05-2009, 08:37 PM   #395
Col. Kurtz
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Default Re: stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet

Originally Posted by Legend View Post
Dunno I think the length of this thread theatens those who don't agree. They feel, for some reason, that its length gives credence to its topic, which it doesn't, and for some reason can't handle something they don't believe being perceived as true by someone else. (who cares). So they put down and mock and try to get it moved? Why? It definitely has to do with cigars.

Let people think what they may and have a discussion about it.
Threatened? Not really, more like a train wreck you can't look away from. I tried, but alas my human failings.

I think this one has been sufficiently de-bunked.

Maybe he can write the Mythbusters and give them a show idea...
Artillery Lends Dignity to What Would Otherwise Be a Vulgar Brawl
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