Thread: Watchmen
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Old 03-05-2009, 03:51 PM   #11
Dayman, Master of Karate
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Default Re: Watchmen

Originally Posted by themoneycollector View Post
Can someone give me a non-spoiler synopsis of what Watchmen is about? I've never read the GN.

I assume it's a hero/villain story. If so, the previews looked so-so good (can't remember if I first saw them while watching Wanted). But I remember my wifey and I both looked at each other and both got a feeling in our gut that the 30 sec. preview was going to be more exciting than the actual movie.
It takes place in an alternate 1985. A member of an outlawed vigilante group (a superhero group a lot like the league of justice, except not endorsed) is murdered. This brings the old team back together to figure out who did it and why. A lot of flashbacks, violence, cold-war style end-of-the-world doomsday scenarios, etc.
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