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Old 03-03-2009, 03:23 PM   #9
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Default Re: What Your Job Benefits Are Really Worth

Originally Posted by Cyanide View Post
On the flip side, do you find these benefit packages to be entrapping? I mean, its money you will never see, but the fear of needing it keeps you stuck in jobs you might have otherwise left long ago?

I always wonder if that is occuring or not. Here in Canada, the benefits packages just don't seem to factor into the collective conscience so much, and that might be because of our universal health care and pension program. But, then again maybe not. I certainly don't want to spark off a "our health care system is better than your health care system" debate (even though its true )


Good question as here in the States we don't have Universal healthcare and we have to really be studious when it comes to what we want,,how much we need. In a perfect world we'd like to forgo health insurance altogether and have something that kicks in when the unforeseen happens. In the states we are also able to obtain extra insurance in the event we become disabled from illness or injury at a rate I paid myself for 1% of my monthly income,,pennies for great protection. I paid for that and it's a good thing I did because I became disabled from an illness in my 25th year of working for my company. This allowed me to retire with 80% of what I was making and then with my additional retirements from my union and company I was up to 110% of my pay,,,the best part is that I paid for my insurance myself which made it non taxable. One thing you can't do is play poker with your health care,,you just never know what life is going to throw at you.
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