Thread: Xikar Vs Palio
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Old 03-03-2009, 12:06 PM   #35
Chutney Lovebusciut
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Default Re: Xikar Vs Palio

Originally Posted by rizzle View Post
I'll try to tell you how Greg tried to tell me...
What you do is apply just a little pressure onto the head of the cigar as you start your cut and maintain that pressure as you make the cut. It doesn't take a lot, yet it is hard to tell you exactly how. After a couple of clips you'll have it though. A perferct cut with no more ridges.
Yep, that's the ticket! Just push down through the cigar slightly when you cut. It takes a few cigars to get the feel of it but it will eliminate the ridge. The Palio cut works the same way.
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