A Snowy Day...A True Story.
Here in Maryland today we got/and are still getting are semi-frequent snow storm that occurs in March. Today started out normal for me, much like every other day. But, it went south quick. I figured most people, sadly myself included would get some comic relief through my painful mishaps that have happened to me since I got up this morning. Here is a breakdown of such events.
5am-Alarm goes off, wake up.
505am-I look outside, "Hey it's not that bad, I'll go into work!"
505-540am-Get ready for work, etc.
540am-Go outside, "Damn it snowed much more than I thought, screw it I will clean off my car go to work anyway as planned!"
541am-I fall down 3 small steps outside of my building into the snow, at this point I realize I am not wearing a jacket.
545am-Go back inside get jacket, brush off snow.
550am-Start clean off car process "Hmmm, appears there is a little bit of wet snow underneath the powder snow!" This makes cleaning off my car harder than I thought.
610am-Car is clean enough to drive, let's go. At this point I realize I am covered in snow, and have yet to put my coveralls on...
612am-Coveralls on, little snow in odd places, lets go now! Realize I left my cup of tea inside house.
614am- Tea cup in hand I go outside, slip fall and bust my ass next to my car, tea is everywhere and I am pissed. Tea cup goes into the woods via my old pitching arm.
617am- Screw it going to work, sit in car, seat is wet due to snow. Now im even more pissed.
618am-By this time now I realize another 1/2 inch of snow is all over my windows so the cleaning process must be restarted.
625am-No way in hell I'm making it on time, due in at work at 6:30am. Call my boss, no answer. Call my other boss no answer. Screw it! Not going in!
627am-Fall and bust my arse again walking into the house, dropping my lunch box and having my food end up in the snow.
645am-After getting inside putting stuff away, I figure I will be nice and clean the GF's car off!
655am-Clean Her car off.
715am-She's not going to work...
720am-She wants something from the store...
730am- Upon opening the passenger door to the GF's car I tug on the door handle to free said frozen door, when the handle snaps off sending me flying 10 feet into a parked car then promptly on my arse into the snow.
735am-Upon close inspection, door will need to be taken apart in order to replace broken door handle.
744am-Arrive at store.
745am-Store does not have needed item....
800am-Second store has needed item, after sliding around the parking lot.
830am-Get home...Finally.
Good times indeed.
" Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. "