My wife has a brother who is an attorney in Alabama, but the laws are somewhat different I am told. And no, we would never go against the advice of our attn. He is very experienced in this area. I am just a nut for deatails and kinda like to get more than one opinion on things is all I was trying to do. Thanks for the info and I may pm you with the questions and if you know or feel like answering then I would appreciate it.
Originally Posted by TideRoll
Not an attorney but I deal with a lot of estates, and I do stay in a Holiday Inn Express sometimes. Seriously, without knowing your question, the answer is that the executor has a significant amount of power and leeway in most jurisdictions, especially on smaller estates and where the courts are very busy, which is most of the time. Be careful going against the advice of the attorney if he has a lot of estate/probate experience in your jurisdiction.